At Wimbledon Chase we aim to spark curiosity about the Science all around us and create scientists of the future. We believe that it is important to develop critical thinkers by inviting children to question and explore their own ideas.
We equip children with the scientific knowledge and skills necessary to understand Science. This is achieved through the delivery of a broad and inspiring Science curriculum. It is a core subject and treated with great importance at Wimbledon Chase.
How we teach Science at Wimbledon Chase
Science is taught through practical investigations where children are given the space to explore their own ideas. Every key stage has access to workshops which help to increase their understanding of Science all around them and to inspire them in understanding possible career choices within Science and engineering. Children’s understanding of Science is assessed at the end of each topic to ensure all children move forward with their learning.
Teachers have deep subject knowledge of the topics taught and practical lessons ensure that all pupils are engaged and have an opportunity to apply the scientific knowledge gained within the current topic. All lessons provide additional challenges for greater depth and understanding.
Key scientific vocabulary relating to the children’s topic is embedded into planning and lessons. The topic words are displayed in the classroom and children are actively encouraged to use the topic vocabulary in their spoken language. They are also taught how to spell them correctly which is monitored in their written work. This vocabulary has been carefully selected and allows for progression from Early Years to Year 6 and links to our Oracy focus.
Pupils develop scientific skills in chemistry, biology and physics and apply these to concepts within practical activities carried out in class. Such knowledge will be taken forward with them into secondary school and beyond. Pupils develop a deep understanding of what it means to work scientifically, analyse data recorded during practical investigations and communicate this through written work, information tables, bar charts, line graphs and technology.
The school grounds play an integral part in our Science Curriculum. Children are given the opportunity to study their local environment and key habitats within it. We are proud that at Wimbledon Chase we strive for pupils to have a shared passion and enjoyment for Science.