At Wimbledon Chase we believe all children should enjoy and feel confident in mathematics, gaining the necessary skills for everyday life. Our lessons aim to inspire a real interest in the subject and encourage true depth of understanding of its applications to the wider world.
In line with the National Curriculum and current best practice, the children are taught to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics (including calculation strategies); reason mathematically using mathematical language and apply their knowledge and understanding to problem solving tasks.
How we teach Mathematics at Wimbledon Chase
Mathematics lessons at Wimbledon Chase follow the ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach which allows children to work practically using various resources, models and concepts. Our maths teaching across the school has the CPA approach at its core; Concrete (physical objects), Pictorial (diagrams and images) and Abstract (mathematical representations using signs and symbols) to support pupils in mastering the fundamental mathematical concepts.
Each lesson includes three key elements:
- Fluency - a chance for children to practise the key number facts such as number bonds and times tables.
- Reasoning - regular discussions about what they are learning using precise mathematical vocabulary, exploring key concepts and making explicit connections to prior learning.
- Problem Solving - lessons are embedded with opportunities to deepen knowledge and further improve reasoning skills within the objectives of their year group and a wider real life context. Pupils are encouraged to use a variety of strategies to find different solutions to solve problems.
Mathematics is a fundamental part of life at Wimbledon Chase. Throughout the year, we organise a range of different activities and themed events for the children, including school-wide competitions, trips, maths weeks, clubs and competitions within the borough. These activities allow children to apply their mathematical skills whilst also contributing to their personal and social development.