Chair of Governor’s Welcome

As Chair of Governors, it’s my pleasure to introduce the Wimbledon Chase Governing Body and to provide you with an insight into our work on behalf of the school.

At Wimbledon Chase Primary, the Governors are involved in all aspects of school life and contribute time and energy to ensure the school continually improves. Governors share the school’s vision and values and are focused on providing the right learning environment to see that every child flourishes and receives the best possible education.

What is the Governing Body?

The Governing Body of Wimbledon Chase Primary is a body authorised by statute and which provides strategic leadership and accountability in the school with three key functions:

  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent;
  • holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

How does the Governing Body operate?

The full Governing Body meets twice a term. Committees also meet regularly to focus on particular areas in more detail. Governors help the school set priorities, develop detailed plans and monitor progress. Our main Committees are: School Business, Standards, Teaching and Learning, Whole School and Community and Pay and Personnel. Other working groups and project teams meet when needed. It's also important for us to see the School in action, and we make regular visits to classrooms, to speak with teachers and to join in School events and celebrations. The Governing Body is required to:

  • act with integrity, objectivity and honesty in the best interests of the school; and
  • be open about the decisions it makes and the actions it takes and in particular shall be prepared to explain its decisions and actions to interested parties.

I feel privileged to lead the Governing Body and recognise that the school’s success derives from the strength of its community and our truly talented school leaders, teachers and support staff. There is a huge wealth of expertise, skills and interests on the Governing Body and we work together to ensure Wimbledon Chase Primary continues to thrive for all our children and our community. We are all united – governors, staff and parents – by our commitment to the school and the responsibility we share for the school’s long-term success.

Our work as Governors needs to be as transparent as possible and we are always keen to hear your thoughts and to talk to parents, prospective parents and others who work at Wimbledon Chase Primary about what we do and how we operate. I am often at the school gates but you can also contact me directly on Meanwhile the Governors will be keeping you informed through our regular Governors’ Newsletters.

Kunal Patel
Chair of Governors